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Hi, I'm Grant Thomas and this is my family.

Born and raised in Durham NC, I grew up running and playing in the forests and creeks nearby. I have spent over half of my life working with children of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds at camps, schools, and science museums. As Program Manager at Schoolhouse of Wonder for almost years I helped design and lead award-winning nature programs across the Triangle.

In 2019 our family left life in Durham behind for the adventure of a lifetime - we moved to Costa Rica for a year. The astounding natural beauty we found there fed our family’s love of life and adventure. During that year Jill and I were able to plan our long-time dream of establishing an outdoor program for kids in our own community where imagination, creativity, and nature would be cherished and celebrated. Nature Explorers was born!

I’m the Director and Lead Teacher at Nature Explorers. My long-time friend and colleague, Meg Gulledge, is our incredible Co-Teacher. Together we are here to provide families with an excellent outdoor learning adventure. Ask us anything!

Hi, I’m Meg Gulledge

I’m originally from Stanly County, North Carolina, where I discovered my love for leading kids in outdoor programming at a young age. It is hard to believe that I have been doing anything for 25 years but that is how long I have been working with kids outside. I started as a day camp counselor at the age of fifteen and have been doing some version of it ever since whether that be with private organizations, non-profits, or governments.

I even climbed the outdoor camp ladder and reached the top serving as a Year-Round Camp Director for 7 years. However, during those 7 years, I began to realize that although I absolutely loved teaching young people how to do the work I missed doing the work myself more. I’m thrilled to be a part of Nature Explorers - Grant and I have worked together for many years, and we’re excited to embark on another outdoor adventure with the kids of the Triangle! I hope that both our experience and love for this type of work come through in our programming and that each kid returns home a little more in tune with themselves and the forest.


Nature Explorers was born from a life spent in love with the forests and creeks of the Piedmont.

We believe that all kids are better off when they are able to share in that love.

And we believe that being a kid in the woods is the best place to be a kid.