Select an option below to sign up

Even if an After School Session or Camp has already begun, we’re happy to pro-rate when we can - just contact us at

5 kid minimum: We require a minimum of five children to run a program. If your preferred program does not meet this minimum we will contact you to offer other options.

Want to sign up for more or less than what you see? Do your kids have a day off that we’re not offering? We’re a family operation, and we’re happy to find work-arounds when we can. Get in touch and we’ll try to work it out!

Cancellation policy: When we cancel programs because of severe or dangerous weather, we issue you a full refund or a full credit toward a future program . If you withdraw your child more than 2 weeks from the program start date you will receive a full credit or a full refund. If you withdraw less than 2 weeks from the program start date, you will receive a full credit.