Grown-Up Recess

ages 18+

Do you miss recess, or summer camp, or playing in the woods? Remember the joy of running into the forest, staring up into the trees, building forts, playing hide and seek? These activities aren’t just beneficial to kids - they’re proven to relieve stress and stimulate creativity, critical thinking, and imagination in adults too! Nature Explorers wants you to come be a kid again at Grown-up Recess!

This brand new adult program series is focused on providing the same kind of forest adventures we offer to kiddos, except it’s specifically designed for adults. In our years of working with kids at Forest Afterschool and Summer Camp we often hear from parents and friends that wish they could join in the fun - now you can! Each session will be guided by our fun and friendly grownup staff, and will include a mixture of play, exploration, and nature knowledge.

While we do not claim that coming to Grown-up Recess will ‘cure’ anything but boredom, we do hope to accomplish the following:

  • Have fun & laugh

  • Meet new people & make friends 

  • Observe & learn about the natural world

  • Learn skills, play games, & share stories

  • Explore together with curiosity, creativity, & critical thinking


Spear & Hiking Stick Carving - Sun. June 23

Nature Art - Sun. July 7

Stealth Mode; Forest Games - Sat. July 27